Gallery & Reviews

(Photos by Gerry Goodstein)
“American Thighs, offered a reflection on a lost love by a woman named Phyllis (Lori Faiella) who moved nimbly between her adult and her younger self to sort out her feelings about first love.” OOBR

(Photos by Gerry Goodstein)
“At the meeting they are joined by her friend Ana (Lori Faiella) who is the most gentle of all the characters. Her portrayal is excellent…loving, caring and honest without ever appearing cloying.” Woman Around Town
“The seven member cast is uniformly fine and each delights the audience throughout the play’s journey. COME, and TRAVEL ALONG!” Joe Franklin, Bloomberg Radio, Oct. 22, 2012

“Faiella goes a long way toward making the audience share her anguish, especially as the character appears more vindictive than wronged.”

“Danny’s ex-girlfriend (a shrewdly controlling Lori Faiella) describes his shortcomings as a lover.” American Theater Web
“Susan (Lori Faiella) lo sfida.” Mario Fratti, Oggi